Professor Yuitsugu Tabata
Key information
International Christian Univ. (B.A.), International Christian Univ. (M.A.), Sophia Univ.(Ph.D.)
Academic Positions
Postdoctoral Fellow, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science, 2005-2008
Part-time Lecturer, Sohia Junior College, 2005-2013
Postdoctoral Fellow, Sophia University, 2009-2013
Associate Professor, School of Humanities and Social Sciences, Waseda University 2014-Present
Research Areas
Cultural Heritage studies
Current Research and Teaching Interests
Trade ceramics and Stoneware production in Angkor, Indianization of Southeast Asia, Cultural Heritage studies
1991-1999 国際基督教大学教養学部人文科学科 教養学士
1997-1999 国際基督教大学大学院比較文化研究科博士前期課程 修士(比較文化)
2001-2004 上智大学大学院比較文化研究科地域研究専攻博士後期課程
2005 博士(地域研究)(上智大学)
2005-2008 日本学術振興会特別研究員(PD)
2005-2013 国際基督教大学 上智短期大学(現上智大学短期大学部) 東海大学 明治学院大学 非常勤講師
2009-2013 上智大学特別研究員(PD)
2014- 現在 早稲田大学文学学術院 准教授
Book (in Japanese)
2008 A Study of Khmer Ceramics. Tokyo: Yuzankaku.
Articles (in English)
2006 Technical aspects on Khmer stoneware ceramics from the Tani kiln site. La Renaissance Culturelle du Cambodge (22): 171-182. PDF
2008 Some Aspects of the Anglong Thom Kiln, Cambodia. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology No.28 : 61-74. (PDF)
Articles (in Japanese)
2000 Some Aspects for the Introduction of Trade Ceramics to the Ryukyu Islands. Journal of Society of Human History vol. 12: 33-45. (PDF)
2003 Techniques of Khmer Ceramics: A Case Study of the Artifacts from Tani Kiln Sites. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology No. 23:1-21.
2005 Capitals in Angkor. Transactions of the Japan Society of Southeast Asian Archaeology No. 3: 65-71.
2005 Typological Study on Khmer Stoneware Ceramic: Classification of Ash-Glazed Ware in Angkor Region. Journal of Southeast Asian
Archaeology No.25: 51-79.
2005 Stonewaer Ceramics Production in the Angkor Area in Cambodia – A Comparative Study of Artifacts from the Tani, Anglogn Thom and Sar Sai
kilns -. The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies No. 23: 7-35. PDF
2007 A Study of the Origins of the Khmer Stoneware. in Masako MARUI (ed.) Archeological Stuides on the Cultural Diversity in Southeast Asia and
its Neighbors: 117-138, Tokyo: Yuzankaku.
2010 Essays on the Origin and the End of Khmer Stoneware Ceramics. The Journal of Sophia Asian Studies No. 28: 103-116.
2012 Reserach and Conservation of Cultural Heritage – Cases of the Angkor Sites in Cambodia. Sophia Vol. 60 No. 2: 87-105. PDF
Dissertation (in Japanese)
2004 Birth and Development of the Stoneware Industry in Angkor. Doctral dissertation Submitted to Sophia University, 200p. PDF
Site Reports (in English)
Tabata, Yukitsugu and Chay Visoth
2007 Preliminary Report of the Excavation of the Anglong Thom Kiln Site, Cambodia. Journal of Southeast Asian Archaeology No.27 : 63-69.PDF
Site Reports (in Japanese)
2010 Excavation of the Anglong Thom Kiln Site in Cambodia. ORIENTAL CERAMICS No.39: 55-73.